Jesse Reim

Director of Engineering

Jesse Reim is the Director of Engineering at Coriell Life Sciences. This role oversees all of the technical aspects of our work here. This includes, but is not limited to , running the development team scrum and agile ceremonies, architecting new solutions, managing projects and deliverables, AWS administration and management, and of course plenty of development when time allows. Jesse has implemented a scrum ban approach to the development work , ensuring his team is always working on relevant business while making sure system maintenance does not slip in priority.

One thing Jesse prides himself on is applying the science to computer science. His philosophy is that by making development and the work here a scientific endeavor , it makes delivering software much more stream lined and predictable. The dev team shares ownership of the system and regularly cross trains across all aspects of the platform. One of his favorites sayings is “You don’t get what you expect, you get what you inspect”, and this idea is echoed throughout the team, making sure all changes are thought though and tested, with a provable outcome.

Prior to Coriell, Jesse has worked in a variety of different fields ranging from flight data, package tracking, mobile device management, fin tech and healthcare education. His career has focused on making scalable web solutions that are easily adoptable. His resume includes companies suck as IBM, Elsiver and that National Board of Medical Examiners. Jesse brings a wide range of experience from leading teams at both big and small companies.

Jesse has a Batchelor of Arts from Rowan University. In his free time he enjoys playing roller hockey and is an avid disc golfer.